Tubing Mascara Is Everything

Ever heard of tubing mascara? Yes. Great, you can move on and read the review of my absolute favorite tubing mascara. No. Man you’re missing out! But don’t fret. I’ve got your back. I’ll explain what it is and why you should buy a tube — or two. If someone asked me the perennial product junkie question: What’s the one […]

Product Review: Blinc mascara

If you’ve read my post about tubing mascaras, you already know how much I love this particular type of mascara. Thankfully, there are a number of brands now to choose from, and I’ve tried most of them. I’m currently using Blinc Mascara Amplified.  Blinc is a cosmetic brand that has a small line of products that include mascaras, eyeliners, lash […]

Product Review – Egyptian Magic

On my happiness scale of 1 to 10, I would rate finding a great skin cream at 50. So when I found the much hyped about Egyptian Magic during a recent Costco run, I was happier than a pig in dirt — or is it slop? Whatevas. I was happy! I read so much about this secret of the stars, cult […]

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