Fenty Beauty. Yasss RiRi!

Rihanna has been the inspiration for many of my makeup looks. A quick scroll through the photos on my phone would reveal more than a few screenshots of RiRi that I’ll use for later makeup inspo. So, I had no doubt that I would LOVE her new makeup line, Fenty Beauty. Sold exclusively at Sephora (my home away from home), […]

Product Review: Triple C Lighting Liquid

As vitamins go, Vitamin C gets an A+ for it’s many beneficial attributes. For skin, Vitamin C is touted as a brightener and an aid in maintaining elasticity. For those reasons, Vitamin C has been a major part of my skin care regimen for years. I was once devoted to a particular Vitamin C serum that claimed to brighten skin […]

Product Review: Blinc mascara

If you’ve read my post about tubing mascaras, you already know how much I love this particular type of mascara. Thankfully, there are a number of brands now to choose from, and I’ve tried most of them. I’m currently using Blinc Mascara Amplified.  Blinc is a cosmetic brand that has a small line of products that include mascaras, eyeliners, lash […]

Product Review – Egyptian Magic

On my happiness scale of 1 to 10, I would rate finding a great skin cream at 50. So when I found the much hyped about Egyptian Magic during a recent Costco run, I was happier than a pig in dirt — or is it slop? Whatevas. I was happy! I read so much about this secret of the stars, cult […]

Product review: KKW x Kylie lipstick

As a woman way over 21, it feels a little weird to be excited about lipstick created by someone who can’t legally have a shot of tequila. Yet, that doesn’t stop me from picking up my phone to purchase the new KKW x Kylie lipstick on the first day it launched (remember, this is a no judgement zone). The newest […]

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