Product review: KKW x Kylie lipstick

As a woman way over 21, it feels a little weird to be excited about lipstick created by someone who can’t legally have a shot of tequila. Yet, that doesn’t stop me from picking up my phone to purchase the new KKW x Kylie lipstick on the first day it launched (remember, this is a no judgement zone). The newest […]

Great skin as easy as 1-2-3…4-5-6-7-8-9-10

Perhaps it was my inner product junkie that attracted me to the Korean 10 step skincare routine. Buy 10 different products just for my face? Count. Me. In. Or maybe after living in Seoul for two years, the start of my obsession with K-beauty, I simply realized that Korean women have the skincare game on lock. Whatever the reason, I began my […]

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